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SHRUB Coop Takes Your Privacy Seriously

We never pass your personal data to anyone else.

If you have any concerns, you have a right to:


  • Request that we correct your personal data if you believe it is inaccurate/incomplete

  • Request that we delete your personal data

  • Change your communication preferences or restrict the processing of your personal data


  • Access the personal data that we hold about you through a “subject access request”.

Please contact us at or 0131 281 0583 for any of these purposes.

Under data protection legislation we are a “controller” of personal data you share with us.  

This Privacy Policy provides notice on how and why we process your data and for how long we will keep your personal data, and where it is held.  


We retain your data in different ways depending on the application:


1. SHRUB membership

What we do with your data:  We use your data to provide both group and individual membership services, including e-newsletters, communications regarding relevant collaborations, events, SHRUB Coop proposals, and decisions etc.

Data held:  Name, date of birth, address, phone number, email, type of membership, working group, start and end of membership, Swapshop token balance, transaction history.

Data collection: We will collect this data from you when you sign up and through our till system.

The legal basis for processing data:  Legitimate interest – as you have signed up.  

Storage:  Data is held in a password-protected database Murakami. Email addresses are also held on our mailing list (MailChimp) to enable us to circulate newsletter to contacts.  Contributors to subgroups may be held in small email discussion groups held on specific service provider where used with agreement of each individual – to facilitate active collaboration. We only ever ask for the minimum amount of data for the associated purpose and delete that data promptly once it is no longer required.

Retention:  We keep your personal data only to provide you with membership services. We update or delete your data on request or after termination of membership.  


2. Volunteers

What we do with your data:  We use your data to provide both group and individual membership services, including e-newsletters, communications regarding relevant collaborations, events, SHRUB Coop proposals, and decisions etc.

Data held: If submitted - Name, date of birth, address, phone number, email, volunteer status (how frequently the member volunteers), availability, volunteer roles, skills, hobbies and interest, relevant experience, relevant training, preferred method of communication, emergency contact (relation to volunteer, phone number), details of any additional support needs, hours volunteered, working group.

Data Collection: We will collect this data from you when you sign up and as we log your volunteer hours/ conduct volunteer check ins.

The legal basis for processing data:  Legitimate interest – as you have signed up.  

Storage:  Data is held in a password-protected database called Murakami. Contributors to subgroups may be held in small email or WhatsApp discussion groups held on specific service provider where used with agreement of each individual – to facilitate active collaboration. We only ever ask for the minimum amount of data for the associated purpose and delete that data promptly once it is no longer required.

Retention:  We keep your personal data necessary for your volunteer involvement with SHRUB Coop. We update or delete your data on request or after termination of membership.  


3. Mailing list subscribers

What we do with your data:  We send you an e-newsletter and other occasional mailings about relevant events or projects.

Data held:  First name, Last name, email, phone number.

Data collection: This information will be collected either through your membership or volunteer sign up or when you ask to be added to the newsletter mailing list.

The legal basis for processing data:  Legitimate interest – as you have signed up.  

Storage: Data is held on our newsletter list (MailChimp) with password protection. We only ever ask for the minimum amount of data for the associated purpose and delete that data promptly once it is no longer required.

Retention:  We will keep you on this mailing list until you request amendment or deletion. You can unsubscribe any time you want.


4. Swapshop users

What we do with your data:  We use your data for purposes of accountancy.

Data held: Membership status, tokenbalance, transactions (date, amount, sub-total for each item category, the weight of items, an optional comment

The legal basis for processing data:  Accountancy, financial evaluation.

Storage: The information is stored in and accessed through our membership database which is called Murakami. We only ever ask for the minimum amount of data for the associated purpose and delete that data promptly once it is no longer required.

Retention: We update or delete your data on request.


5. Website and social media visitors

At the time of writing, we just use a Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter page as our way of sharing information about the group. Their servers hold links to those who “Liked” or “Shared” our pages, events etc.  

Like most other organisations we might use Google Analytics on any website we establish.  This records website visitors in the form of an advanced web server log. It archives:


•  What website you came from;

• How long you stay for; and

• the kind of computer used.  


This helps us to understand the kind of people who come to our sites and what content they’re reading and enables us to make better decisions about web design and writing.  

We occasionally compile aggregate statistics about numbers of site visitors and browsers being used.  No personal data is included in this type of reporting and all this activity falls within the bounds of the Google Analytics Terms of Service.


Your rights

If you have any concerns, which are not resolved by communicating with us, you can raise a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office at

Information Commissioner’s Office Wycliffe House Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF Helpline number: 0303 123 1113

The Stats

Our community has saved 2147 tonnes of carbon from being added to the atmosphere since 2013. 

Our Funders

SHRUB Coop (Zero Waste Hub)

22 Bread Street




Phone: 0131 281 0583


Smarter Choices, Smarter Places logo
National Lottery Community Fund Logo
Edinburgh Community Climate Fund Logo
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SHRUB Cooperative, Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation Scottish Charity Number SC048825


© 2024 by SHRUB Coop.

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