Who are we?
We are an Edinburgh-based bike shop with a difference! We are an inclusive and welcoming active travel advocacy hub - we want better cycling skills for the Edinburgh community, to equip people with the skills to repair and maintain their own bike, for cycling to be more accessible to people from all walks of life, and to have better cycling infrastructure in the city. We want all of this to happen without it costing the Earth! ​
What do we actually do?
Bike repairs
Bike-DIY Sessions, assisted by volunteers
Mechanical skills training workshops
Cycling Scotland-verified Adult Cycle Training
Volunteer with us
We would love for you to join our wonderful team of Wee Spoke Hub Volunteers!
Drop us an email at to let us know what your skills are or what you would be interested in learning more about!
Where are we?
The Wee Spoke Hub workshop space is on the ground floor. Our toilet is gender neutral, but unfortunately not wheelchair accessible. We have a pavement ramp of sorts, suitable for cargo bikes, and for wheelchairs (with assistance). If you have further questions regarding accessibility before a visit, please contact The Wee Spoke Hub at
Please see the map below for directions to The Wee Spoke Hub.